Dual Oscillator 97
There was never really much of an official data sheet on this one. I think there were only about 10-20 of them made. This is a really wonderful osc. It is based on E-Mu oscillator submodules, and is extremely stable. The pitch is set numerically via "lever wheels" which are the numbers in the upper right of the picture. There is an octave wheel and a semitone wheel. There is are a variety of modulation sources available via switches. There are normal and inverting exponential CV inputs, Pulse Width Modulation inputs, and an FM input (lin or exp) with its own VCA for FM index. The left hand side of the module is for waveshape mixing. The two joysticks set up a mix of waveforms. The top "A" joystick has soft waveforms from the two oscillators, and the bottom "B" stick has hard waveforms from the two oscillators. You VC can pan between the A and B mixes. The A and B mix also have external audio inputs.
Outside World Interface 101
The OWI 101 is intended to provide synthesizer-compatible controls and signals from a variety of sources typically found outside the synthesizer. A gain switchable low-noise preamp is followed by a filter which allows selective envelope detection. Preceding the envelope detector is a gain-controlled stage which allows expansion and compression of the signal prior to detection via VCA 1. It should be noted that the filter and VCA 1 are not in the signal path, but rather the control voltage path. A voltage controlled slew limiter allows separate control of the envelope's attack and decay characteristics. The signal is available at the output of the preamp and VCA 2. Raising "Envelope" allows the signal to be controlled by itself. Raising VCA 1 to some degree is necessary for any envelope to be detected. "AGC" controls the amount of expansion or compression of the detected signal. F/V (Frequency to Voltage) output provides an approximate representation of the input frequency an is useful for special effects. It is not designed to precisely track or in other words provide pitch to voltage conversion. Gates 1 and 2 are digital outputs which rise when the output voltage exceeds their thresholds. Gate is not allowed to rise unless Gate 1 is high.
Frequency Transmuter 103
The Frequency Transmuter 103 provides a means of considerably enriching the sound of a single VCO. Other applications include rhythm generation and counting operations. Basically the device consists of a bank of digital frequency dividers (DC coupled) with parallel outputs which is preceded by an analog frequency multiplier (portions AC coupled). This allows you to create both harmonics and subharmonics from a signal input which will track perfectly the input signal. There are certain constraints. The frequency multiplier section (X2, X3, X4) is designed to be driven from a triangle wave whose amplitude must ve precisely set in order to cancel the fundamental, especially in the X3 section. It does, however, modify input signals in an interesting fashion by enriching their harmonics which makes in very useful for processing real time inputs which aren't triangle waves. The digital dividers are followed by seven low pass filters which offer control over the timbres of the outputs. The outputs are switch selectable into an output mixer which is a VCA. Zero crossing output provides a clipped output of the source selected by the rotary switch.
Quad VCA / Mixer 115
Four independent linear VCAs with high DC accuracy and wide dynamic range. Common output mixer provides 4 x 1 VC mixer. Mix in jacks allow patching of larger mixer configurations. Two VCAs ay be used independently of the output mixer. Extensive patch switching facilitates ping pong and location modulation effects with a minimum of patch cords. CV lag inputs allow clickless digital control of audio and control voltages. Signal input inversion (phase) permits ring modulation and inverted CV indexing. Optional exponential control or ultra low noise submodules available.
Universal Active FIlter 147
This one also never got a real data sheet. It's a 12 db / oct multimode filter. LP/BP/HP are all sent to an output mixer along with the signal from the first input. It has VC resonance. I use this one as my main filter.
Analog Delay 154
The Analog Delay 154 has been designed especially for modular synthesizer use. It provides exponential voltage control of delay time and linear voltage control of resonance. It contains 2 4-pole voltage controlled low pass filters which continuously track the delay time so that the delay vs. bandwidth tradeoff may be made continuously and without the clicks usually associated with switching in discrete filter steps as in conventional units. A compressor limiter / expander provides wide dynamic range and low noise performance. Delays of nearly 1/2 second (480 ms) at relatively high bandwidth (5KHz) are possible with the inclusion of both delay submodules. Typically, to create the wide spectrum of effects possible with this module, the user operates the delay in conjunction with other modules such as LFOs and VC mixers. This preserves the modular concept and gives the greatest flexibility.